Tuesday 30 September 2014



To achieve success in whatever you do, you need a mentor! No one can succeed alone. Nothing is new here on earth -no matter what you want to do, someone has done it before, and his experience can help you!

Marriage is not always as easy as it seems before going into it, it either make or mar you. The best place Christians should look when in need of help in marriage should be their Pastor and the church. Without pastors, Biblical marriage will soon become history!

I am sure you've heard about Sheep and Shepherd.

The Bible made it clear that the problem of the people of the world is that they are like Sheep without a Shepherd.Matthew 9:36. You should also read Numbers 27:16-17 for clearer understanding.

I believe this is a major challenge facing the church today. There are more and more Christians who just come to church but have never really identify with her. They are doing themselves a disservice.

Pastor is not to choose for you, but he'll help monitor the process to ensure everything is done accordingly and reports back to God.

These and more can happen to any sheep without a shepherd:
i. Choose a path without giving much thought to the matter (rash decision).
ii. Vulnerable to predators.
iii. Vulnerable to diseases.
iv. Vulnerable to pitfalls.

I believe, and it's evident that children without parents will suffer, and this is why we have many half baked Christian youths in the church today, they don't want to be controlled by authority, they love been free to do things their own way... this saying is correct: "If you don't want to serve someone, nobody will serve you". If you don't honour your pastor, how do you honour God whom you don't see?

CHILDREN, OBEY "your parents in the Lord" [as His representatives], for this is just and right. Honor (esteem and value as precious) your father and your mother--this is the first commandment with a promise-- Ephesians 6:1-2
How do you honour your parents if you don't involve them in your marriage decision?